José Miguel Giménez García

University of Valladolid
Plaza de Santa Cruz, 8
47002 Valladolid


International Journal Publications

Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F. Pioneering Easy-to-Use Forestry Data with Forest Explorer Semantic Web. 13(2):147-162, February 2022.

Giménez-García, J.M.,  Fernández, J.D.,  Martínez-Prieto, M.A. A MapReduce-based approach to scale big semantic data compression with HDT IEEE Latin America Transactions. 15(7):1270-1277, 7, June 2017.

International Conference Publications

Crespo-Lera, N.,  Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F.,  Ruano, I. Using Linked Open Data for Forest Inventory Data Analysis at the Local Level Proceedings of the XVIII Annual Young Foresters Researchers Meeting, Palencia, 2, January 2024.
Giménez-García, J.M.,  Gautrais, T.,  Fernández, J.D.,  Martínez-Prieto, M.A. Compact Encoding of Reified Triples Using HDTr Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC, 309-327, , 16, Athens, 2023-11-(6-10), November 2023.

Giménez-García, J.M.,  Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F. Forest Explorer: User-Friendly Navigation of Iberian Forestry Linked Open Data Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference Posters and Demos, ISWC, Athens, Greece, 2023-11-(06-11), November 2023.

Diefenbach, D.,  Giménez-García, J.M. HDTCat: Lets Make HDT Generation Scale Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC, 1250718-33, , 2, Athens, Greece, 2020-11, November 2020.

Diefenbach, D.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Both, A.,  Singh, K.,  Maret, P. QAnswer KG: Designing a Portable Question Answering System over RDF Data Proceedings of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC, 12123429-445, , 25, Heraklion, Greece, 2020-06, June 2020.
Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F. Pioneering Linked Open Data in the forestry domain Proceedings of the Mixed species forests risks, resilience and management, Mixed Forest 2020, 165-165, Lund, Sweden, March 2020.

Kacprzak, E.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Piscopo, A.,  Koesten, L.,  Ibáñez, L.D.,  Tennison, J.,  Simperl, E. Making Sense of Numerical Data - Semantic Labelling of Web Tables Proceedings of the Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, EKAW, 11313163-178, , 11, Nancy, France, 2018-11, November 2018.
Giménez-García, J.M.,  Duarte, M.,  Zimmermann, A.,  Gravier, C.,  Hruschka-Jr., E.R.,  Maret, P. NELL2RDF: Reading the Web, Tracking the Provenance, and Publishing it as Linked Data Proceedings of the International Workshop on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs, CKG, , 2, Monterey, USA, 2018-10-09, October 2018.

Giménez-García, J.M.,  Zimmermann, A. NdProperties: Encoding contexts in RDF predicates with inference preservation Proceedings of the International Workshop on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs, CKG, , 4, Monterey, USA, 08/10/2018, October 2018.

Quécole, F.,  Martines, R.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Thakkar, H. Towards Capturing Contextual Semantic Information about Statements in Web Tables Proceedings of the International Workshop on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs, CKG, 2317, 9, Monterey, USA, 2018-10-08, October 2018.
Endris, K.M.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Thakkar, H.,  Demidova, E.,  Zimmermann, A.,  Lange, C.,  Simperl, E. Dataset Reuse: An Analysis of References in Community Discussions, Publications and Data Proceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference, K-CAP, 51-54, , 5, Austin, Texas, 2017-12, December 2017.

Giménez-García, J.M.,  Zimmermann, A.,  Maret, P. Representing Contextual Information as Fluents Proceedings of the Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Satellite Events, Revised Selected Papers, EKAW Posters, 10180119-122, , 13, Bologna, 2016-11, November 2017.

Zimmermann, A.,  Giménez-García, J.M. Contextualizing DL Axioms: Formalization, a New Approach, and Its Properties Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution, WOMoCoE , 193674-85, , 7, Vienna, Austria, 2017-10-22, October 2017.

Giménez-García, J.M.,  Zimmermann, A.,  Maret, P. NdFluents: An Ontology for Annotated Statements with Inference Preservation Proceedings of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC, 10249638-654, , 39, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2017-05-28, May 2017.

Thakkar, H.,  Endris, K.M.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Debattista, J.,  Lange, C.,  Auer, S. Are Linked Datasets fit for Open-domain Question Answering? A Quality Assessment Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, WIMS, Nimes, France, 2016-06-13, June 2016.

Giménez-García, J.M.,  Thakkar, H.,  Zimmermann, A. Assessing Trust with PageRank in the Web of Data Proceedings of the Dataset Profiling and Federated Search for Linked Data Workshop, PROFILES, 9989293-307, , 45, Heraklion, Greece, 2016-05-30, May 2016.
Giménez-García, J.M.,  Fernández, J.D.,  Martínez-Prieto, M.A. HDT-MR: A Scalable Solution for RDF Compression with HDT and MapReduce Proceedings of the Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC, 9088253-268, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2015-06, June 2015.

Spanish Journal Publications

Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F. Explorando datos abiertos forestales masivos con un navegador web Ecosistemas. 31(3), 2452, 2022.
Roldán-Zamarrón, A.,  Lerner-Cuzzi, M.,  Fierro-García, B.,  Aguirre-Briones, F.,  Gonzalvo-Morales, V.,  Baiget-Llompart, R.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Fonseca, A.,  Gomes da-Cruz, A.L. Cross-Forest: plataforma abierta de información forestal peninsular MONTES. 144(2):27-33, September 2021.

Baiget-Llompart, R.,  Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Lerner-Cuzzi, M.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Fierro-García, B.,  Fonseca, A.,  Gomes da-Cruz, A.L.,  Matellán-Olivera, V.,  Lorenzana-Campillo, J.,  et-al.,  CROSS-FOREST, armonización y modelización de datos. Un proyecto transfronterizo de datos forestales abiertos de España y Portugal MAPPING. 28(198):38-44, December 2019.

Spanish Conference Publications

Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F. Explorador Forestal, visualización de datos abiertos forestales para todos los públicos Proceedings of the 8º Congreso Forestal Español, Lérida, Spain, June 2022.
Fierro-García, B.,  Roldán-Zamarrón, A.,  Lerner-Cuzzi, M.,  Baiget-Llompart, R.,  Aguirre-Briones, F.,  Gonzalvo-Morales, V.,  Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F. CROSS-FOREST, un proyecto de datos forestales abiertos de España y Portugal  Proceedings of the 8º Congreso Forestal Español, Lérida, Spain, June 2022.
Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Fierro-García, B.,  Lerner-Cuzzi, M.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F.,  Gomes da-Cruz, A.L.,  Fonseca, A. Easy Visualization of Forest Inventories and Land Cover Maps with Forest Explorer Proceedings of the XI Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales, JIIDE 2020, , October 2020.
Ordóñez-Alonso, C.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F.,  Gonzalvo-Morales, V.,  Aguirre-Briones, F.,  Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Fonseca, A.,  Gomes da-Cruz, A.L. Surveying Cross-Forest Platform: modelization of wildfires and growth in Iberian forest stands Proceedings of the XI Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales, JIIDE 2020, , October 2020.
Baiget-Llompart, R.,  Lerner-Cuzzi, M.,  Fonseca, A.,  Gomes da-Cruz, A.L.,  Matellán-Olivera, V.,  Lorenzana-Campillo, J.,  Vega-Gorgojo, G.,  Giménez-García, J.M.,  Bravo-Oviedo, F.,  Ordóñez-Alonso, C. Cross-Forest, armonización y modelización de datos Proceedings of the X Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales, JIIDE 2019, Cáceres, Spain, October 2019.

Giménez-García, J.M.,  Fernández, J.D.,  Martínez-Prieto, M.A. Compresion de Big Semantic Data basada en HDT y MapReduce Proceedings of the Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD, 335-348, , 37, Salamanca, Spain, 2016-09-16, September 2016.